M. M. Tanik, S. Gatchel, I. Horvath, T. H. Wan, K. Kim, J. Huang, E. Coatanea, B. J. Krämer, and Y. Zeng: Footsteps Towards a Transdisciplinary Design and Process Science, Journal of Integrated Design & Process Science, Vol. 25, No. 3-4, 1-16, December 2021


Michael P. Papazoglou, Amal Elgammal, and Bernd J. Krämer: Collaborative on-demand Product-Service Systems Customization Lifecycle, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Elsevier, 2018


Jan Werrmann and Bernd J. Krämer: Knowledge Management through Ontology-Driven Integration of Disparate Knowledge Sources, Transactions of the SDPS: Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 25-39, 2017


Bernd J. Krämer, Johannes Magenheim, Jonas Neugebauer, and Helga Huppertz: New ways of learning: Comparing the effectiveness of interactive online media in distance education with the European textbook tradition, British Journal of Educational Technology, vol. 46, no. 5, pp. 965-971, 2015


Klaus Gotthardt, Bernd J. Krämer, Johannes Magenheim, Jonas Neugebauer On Benefits of Interactive Online Learning in Higher Distance Education: Repeating a Learning Analytics Project in the Context of Programming Education, International Journal On Advances in Life Sciences, vol. 6, no. 3&4, pp. 350-363, 2014


Aurelie A. Bechina, Bernd J. Krämer Editorial – Advances in Collective Intelligence and Social Media, Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 22(3)

Ulrike Baumöl, Reinhard Jung, Bernd J. Krämer Editorial – Knowledge, social media and technologies for a learning society, Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science 17(1):1-3


Matthias Hupfer, Bernd J. Krämer, Christian Lukaschik CampusContent and the Repository Network edu-sharing. e-learning and education (eleed), 8, 2012

Torsten Brix, Dieter W. Fellner, Bernd J. Krämer, Thomay Schrader Workshop: Centers of Excellence for Research Information – Digital Text and Data Centers for Science and Open Research. e-learning and education (eleed), 8, 2012

Bernd J. Krämer e-learning and education (eleed), 8, 2012


Michael Klebl, Bernd J. Krämer, Annett Zobel From content to practice: Sharing educational practice in edu-sharing. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(6):936-951, 2010

Michael Klebl, Bernd J. Krämer Learning objects in progress. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(6):869-872, 2010

Michael Klebl, Bernd J. Krämer Distributed Repositories for Educational Content. e-learning and education (eleed), 7, 2010

Matthias Hupfer, Michael Klebl, Bernd J. Krämer, Christian Lukaschik, Annett Zobel Distributed Repositories for Educational Content. e-learning and education (eleed), 7, 2010


Bernd J. Krämer, Tiziana Margaria A Hindsight on Formal Methods and Prospects of Semantic Computing in Software Engineering. International Journal of Semantic Computing, 3(1):5-50, 2009

Bernd J. Krämer, Peng Han Educational Content Creation and Sharing in a Technology-rich Environment. International Journal on Advances in Software, 2(2+3):188-201, 2009


Desmond Keegan, Gabor Kismihok, Bernd J. Krämer, Nevena Mileva, Bernadette Simpson, Benedetto Vertecchi Bibliographie: Die Auswirkungen neuer Technologien auf Studierende an Fernuniversitäten. Research Report 2/2008 at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, FernUniversität in Hagen, 2008

Desmond Keegan, Gabor Kismihok, Bernd J. Krämer, Nevena Mileva, Bernadette Simpson, Benedetto Vertecchi Bibliography: The Impact of new technologies on distance learning students. Research Report 3/2008 at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, FernUniversität in Hagen, 2008

Peng Han, Gerd Kortemeyer, Bernd J. Krämer, Christine von Prümmer Exposure and Support of Latent Social Networks Among Learning Object Repository Users. Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS), 14(10):1717-1738, 2008

Schahram Dustdar, Bernd J. Krämer, Priya Narasimhan Special Issue Service-Oriented Computing. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS), 17(3): 257-258, 2007

Bernd J. Krämer Component meets service – What does the mongrel look like?. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, 4(4):385-394, 2008

Schahram Dustdar, Bernd J. Krämer Introduction to special issue on service oriented computing. ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB), 2(2), 2008

Bernd J. Krämer, Annett Zobel Rollout of CampusContent – DFG-Competence Centre for eLearning. e-learning and education (eleed), 2008

Bernd J. Krämer Campus Content: An Infrastructure for Sharing and Reuse of Teaching Experience and e-Content. Journal of Lifelong Learning Society, 4(2):133-156, 2008


Bernd J. Krämer Data Analysis Report on the Impact of Technology on Learning in Open Universities and Distance Education. Research Report 1/2007 at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, FernUniversität in Hagen, 2007.

Bernd J. Krämer Datenanalyse-Bericht über die Auswirkungen moderner IuK-Technik auf das Lernen an Fernuniversitäten. Research Report 1/2007-DE at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, FernUniversität in Hagen, 2007.


Manfred Broy, Matthias Jarke, Manfred Nagl, Dieter Rombach, Armin B. Cremers, Jürgen Ebert, Sabine Glesner, Martin Glinz, Michael Goedicke, Gerhard Goos, Volker Gruhn, Wilhelm Hasselbring, Stefan Jähnichen, Stefan Kowalewski, Bernd J. Krämer, Stefan Leue, Claus Lewerentz, Peter Liggesmeyer, Christoph Lüth, Barbara Paech, Helmut A. Partsch, Ilka Philippow, Lutz Prechelt, Andreas Rausch, Willem-Paul Roever, Bernhard Rumpe, Gundula Rünger, Wilhelm Schäfer, Kurt Schneider, Andy Schürr, Walter F. Tichy, Bernhardt Westfechtel, Wolf Zimmermann, Albert Zündorf Dagstuhl-Manifest zur strategischen Bedeutung des Software Engineering in Deutschland. Informatik Spektrum, 29(3):1-16, 2006

Fan Yang, Bernd J. Krämer, Peng Han Enhancing Collaborative Learning Based on Personalized Recommendation among Communities. Advanced Technology for Learning, 3(4):892-904, 2006


Bernd J. Krämer Mobile Learning: The Next Generation of Learning. Forschungsbericht 5/2005 des Fachbereichs Elektrotechnik & Informationstechnik, FernUniversität in Hagen, 2005.

Bernd J. Krämer Reusable Learning Objects: Let´s give it another trial. Forschungsbericht 4/2005 des Fachbereichs Elektrotechnik & Informationstechnik, FernUniversität in Hagen, 2005.

Jianguo Ding, Bernd J. Krämer, Yingcai Bai, Hansheng Chen Backward Inference in Bayesian Networks for Distributed Systems Management. Journal of Network and Systems Management, 13(4):409-427, 2005

Fan Yang, Bernd J. Krämer, Peng Han, Ruimin Shen Exploiting the construction of e-learner communities from a trust connectionist point of view. Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science, 9(2):1-11, 2005


Norbert Völker, Bernd J. Krämer Automated verification of function block-based industrial control systems. Science of Computer Programming, 42(1):101-113, 2002


Bernd J. Krämer E-learning, Virtual University, Online Learning: education embraces technology. The EASST Newsletter, 3(1):5-12, 2001

Hans-Arno Jacobsen, Bernd J. Krämer Design Patterns for Synchronization Adapters of Corba Objects. L`OBJET, 6(1):57-82, 2000

Bernd J. Krämer, Heinz W. Schmidt Components and Tools for On-line Education. European Journal of Education, 36(2):195-222, 2001

Bernd J. Krämer Software Engineering (Editorial). Journal of Integrated Design & Process Science, 5(3):1-3, 2001


Wolfgang A. Halang, Bernd J. Krämer, Sias Mostert Formal Verification of Function Blocks for Industrial Process Automation. Forschungsbericht 3/2000 des Fachbereichs Elektrotechnik & Informationstechnik, FernUniversität in Hagen, 2000.

Bernd J. Krämer FernUniversitäts Strategy to Build a Virtual University. Forschungsbericht 2/2000 des Fachbereichs Elektrotechnik & Informationstechnik, FernUniversität in Hagen, 2000.


Bernd J. Krämer Einsichten und Erfahrungen mit einer Virtuellen Universität im Fernstudium. Forschungsbericht 1/1999 des Fachbereichs Elektrotechnik & Informationstechnik, FernUniversität in Hagen, 1999.

Hans-Arno Jacobsen, Bernd J. Krämer Design Patterns for Synchronization Adaptors of CORBA Objects. Forschungsbericht 2/1999 des Fachbereichs Elektrotechnik & Informationstechnik, FernUniversität in Hagen, 1999.


Bernd J. Krämer, Norbert Völker, Reiner Lichtenecker, Hans-Friedrich Kötter Deriving CORBA Applications from Formal Specifications. Journal of Systems Integration, 8(2):143-158, 1998

Bernd J. Krämer, Thomas Koch Distributed Systems Management Software-in-the-Loop. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 8(1): 55-76, 1998


Bernd J. Krämer, Norbert Völker A Highly Dependable Computing Architecture for Safety-Critical Control Applications. Real-Time Systems, 13(3):237-251, 1997

Mike P. Papazoglou, Bernd J. Krämer Erratum: A Database Model for Object Dynamics. VLDB Journal: Very Large Data Bases, 6(3):257-260, 1997

Mike P. Papazoglou, Bernd J. Krämer A Database Model for Object Dynamics. VLDB Journal: Very Large Data Bases, 6(2):73-96, 1997

Bernd J. Krämer Editorial. Real-Time Systems, 13(3):217-218, 1997

Bernd J. Krämer New Possibilities for Distance Learning. Computer, 30(11):53-55, 1997


Daniel E. Cooke, Ann Q. Gates, Elif Demirörs, Onur Demirörs, Murat M. Tanik, Bernd J. Krämer Languages for the specification of software. Journal of Systems and Software, 32(3):269-308, 1996

Wolfgang A. Halang, Bernd J. Krämer, Jürgen Schormann Integrated Multimedia-Based Distance Teaching of Information Technology. The Journal of Universal Computer Science, 2(6):443-455, 1996

Thomas Koch, Bernd J. Krämer Rules and agents for automated management of distributed systems. Distributed Systems Engineering, 3(2):104-114, 1996


Wolfgang A. Halang, Bernd J. Krämer, Leszek Trybus Exploiting a Graphical Programming Paradigm to Facilitate Rigorous Verification of Embedded Software. The Computer Journal, 38(4):301-309, 1995

Wolfgang A. Halang, Bernd J. Krämer, Norbert Völker Formally Verified Firmware Modules for Industrial Process Automation. High Integrity Systems, 1(3):277-286, 1995

Mike P. Papazoglou, Alex Delis, Bernd J. Krämer Middleware Infrastructures for Distributed Information Systems. Computer Systems: Science & Engineering, 10(4):195-206, 1995

Mike P. Papazoglou, Alex Denis, Bernd J. Krämer Use of middleware facilities in interoperable databases. International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering, 10(4):195-206, 1995


Wolfgang A. Halang, Bernd J. Krämer Safety Assurance in Process Control. IEEE Software, 11(1):61-67, 1994

Bernd J. Krämer, Norbert Völker, Thomas Koch, Klaus Gotthardt Stärken und Schwächen formaler Beschreibungstechniken für verteilte Systeme. Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, 17(3):136-149, 1994


Bernd J. Krämer, Luqi, Valdis Berzins Compositional Semantics of a Real-Time Prototyping Language. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 19(5):543-477, 1993


Wolfgang A. Halang, Bernd J. Krämer Achieving High Integrity of Process Control Software by Graphical Design and Formal Verification. IEE Software Engineering Journal, 7(1):53-67, 1992

Bernd J. Krämer Formale Spezifikationstechniken – Stand von Methoden und Anwendungsumgebungen. Informatik — Forschung und Entwicklung, 7(2):62-72, 1992

Bernd J. Krämer, Mike P. Papazoglou Trends and Research Directions in Software Engineering Environments. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 2(1):1-4, 1992


Wolf D. Itzfeld, Bernd J. Krämer, Marie-Luise Christ-Neumann The project GRASPIN and its CASE environment prototypes: an overview. Journal of Systems and Software, 15(1):5-16, 1991

Bernd J. Krämer Introducing the GRASPIN specification language SEGRAS. Journal of Systems and Software, 15(1):17-31, 1991

Bernd J. Krämer A sort of parametric polymorphism for algebraic specifications. Journal of Systems and Software, 15(1):33-42, 1991

Bernd J. Krämer, Luqi Toward formal models of software engineering processes. Journal of Systems and Software, 15(1):63-74, 1991


Bernd J. Krämer Specifying concurrent objects. SIGPLAN Notices, 24(4):162-164, 1989

Bernd J. Krämer, Heinz W. Schmidt Developing Integrated Environments with ASDL. IEEE Software, 6(1):98-107, 1989


Bernd J. Krämer Die Spezifikations- und Entwurfsprache SEGRAS. Handbuch der modernen Datenverarbeitung, 130(107):116-127, 1986