This year’s IT summit was governed by the headline „Learning and Acting in a Digital World“, maybe somehow influeced by our project group’s recommendations about Smart Education Networks. A few members of the project group including myself attended the summit receives Best Practice Award at CeBIT 2016
edu-sharing-net’s education cloud project was the Best Practice Award winner in category education organized by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy’s initiative Intelligent Networking. The award was delivered during CeBit 2016 i Hannover.
Invited talk at „Smart e-Learning and Enterprise Development Seminar“ held in Pinghu, China
April 27, 2016 I gave an invited presentation about our view of a topical e-learning ecosystem at the „Smart e-Learning and Enterprise Development Seminar“ that Prof. Shen from Shanghai Jiao Tong University had organized in Pinghu, China. Renowned speakers from Australia,
edu-sharing won Best Practice Award for Intelligent Networking
edu-sharing won the Best Practice Award for Intelligent Networking in the education sector among numerous projects published on the Open Innovation Platform. This platform was launched in 2015 by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy to foster its initiative Intelligent Networking and provide
Professor Ramamoorthy passed away
It is with great sadness that I learned Prof. Ram, a great mentor an dear friend has left us March 9, 2016.
National IT Summit, Berlin, Nov. 18-19, 2015
As a member of the project group Intelligent Education Networks, one of several thematically oriented task forces of the focus group Intelligent Networking, I attended the National IT Summit in Berlin, Nov. 18-19, 2015. The focus group with its task forces supports the German Federal Government
20th Anniversary Conference of SDPS in Fort Worth, Texas
Again I had the pleasure to open the Annual Conference of the Society for Design and Process Science (SDPS) in Fort Worth, Texas, which marked the 20th anniversary of the society I once co-founded. It was my honor to present
Video abstract introducing new BJET paper
We have produced a video abstract introducing an open data paper published in the British Journal of Educational Technology, vol. 46, no. 5, pp. 965-971. The raw data collected in the study are openly accessible on a library server of FernUniversität.
German Association Free Education takes position on OER and Creative Commons
The German Association Free Education responds to a position paper of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in Germany on open educational resources (OER). The association agrees with most arguments, sees, however, the idea of a
Das Bündnis Freie Bildung zum KMK-Bericht über OER
Das Bündnis Freie Bildung unterstützt das Konzept zu „Open Educational Resources“ (OER) im jüngsten KMK-Bericht, hält aber eine deutsche Variante der Creative-Commons-Lizenz zu Recht für einen Irrweg, der zu einer Insellösung führte. Man sollte Rechtsunsicherheiten in der Lizenz besser durch Erläuterungen und Anwendungsempfehlungen beseitigen.